Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Internet of Everything

I have been working with Computers since my childhood.  Have always been working on programming languages like C, C++, Java, Middleware and so on. In short, I have been on the other side of technology .i.e. Softwares!!.

Internet of Everything is all about connecting physical world to desktop computers. With resources like never before, it is now quite easy to connect your daily machines with Computers. For instance connecting your table lamp to your mobile such that mobile can control the on/off.

So finally I decided to get my hands dirty and get all necessary resources for connecting the physical world with Computers.

There are many options to start with.

1. Arduino (http://www.arduino.cc/)
2. Rasberry Pie
3. Beaglebone

All 3 are great way to get started. I choose Arudino, because it was

1) cheaper
2) has great community
3) easy to work with
4) great way to start with Prototypes.
5) Open Source

I got started by buying Arduino Starter Kit (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoStarterKit) which costed me about 100$. I bought the kit from http://www.tannaeducation.com/

Word of Caution: You can start with Arduino with less than 100$ too. If you happen to buy individual components, I think, you can create a starter kit by yourself which is far more cheaper. But as I was not sure what components i need, i decided to go with the available starter kit.

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